solving problems with
logic and empathy


solving problems with
logic and empathy

trusted by these organizations and more

Bloomberg Philanthropies
Bloomberg Philanthropies

We’re a premium and passionate team of experts guided by our values.

care more than the client
bring a growth mindset
Cultivate compassion
choose optimism &
identify solutions
brand the storytelling
Karissa Dingus
Product Design Lead
Anthony Carlucci
Creative Director
Ben Stone
Senior Product Designer
Mike Aleo
Founder & Managing Partner, Creative
Taylor Capps
Senior Director of Strategy
Garet WIlliams
Chief Strategy Officer
Makeup artist applying make up on an actor at an LGND Gravity video set.
LGND Gravity Logo

Let’s Work Together.

Interested in working with our team?
Great—Shoot us an email and let’s get this process started.